ESD System
Kaimao focuses on safety instruments SIS system and emergency stop automatic protection ESD system, and has carried 14 sets of safety instrument SIS+ESD monitoring system engineering project.
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  • Overview

1.ESD(Emergency Shut Down)

For the oxidation process, which is the tenth of 15 kinds dangerous chemical process prescribed by China national Safety administration,the basic requirements for safety control are: (oxidation) reaction temperature, (system) pressure alarm and interlocking(stopping air blower); proportion of reactive materials (oxygen alcohol mole ratio)control and interlocking and emergency cut-off system(methanol feeding shut-off valve, roots blower, off gas blower), gas phase oxygen content monitoring, safety venting system, monitoring of temperature and pressure  liquid level of the tank and pump interlock; combustible(methanol, hydrogen) and toxic (formaldehyde) gas detection and alarm interlocking.
The safety instrument layout protection of formaldehyde enterprise relates to the workshop, furnace and tank yard.
The objects of the parameters monitoring are pressure, liquid level, flow, temperature and combustible gas.
ESD interlocking objects are the main fan , off gas blower,the feeding pump of methanol, methanol gas shut-off valve, methanol liquid shut-off valve and methanol storage tank inlet and outlet pump, formaldehyde products tank inlet valve and formaldehyde storage tank outlet pump, and steam drum remote electronic control pressure relief valve; workshop fan, etc.
Jiangsu Kaimao Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. has published nearly 7 papers in China's Formaldehyde Industry , focused on safety instruments SIS system and emergency stop automatic protection ESD system, and has carried 14 sets of safety instrument SIS+ESD monitoring system engineering project.We have rich experience in the section of safety instruments, ESD system designing and project engineering.


SIS Safety instrument accuracy: ±0.2%、±0.5% ;
Anti-hazard classification ⅡCT4∽6
ESD System accuracy:     ±1%  ;
Safety barrier output precision:   0.1%FS;
Safety barrier Temperature drift:   0.05%FS/10℃
Safety level:         SIL1∽4
According to the consequences and risks of the safety instrument function failure, the safety instrumental function can be divided into different safety integrity levels. (SIL1-4,The highest level is L4) . Different levels of safety instrument circuit have different technical requirements in the design, manufacture, installation and commissioning, and operation and maintenance.
The higher the grade, the higher the price of ESD. Generally SIL-3 grade is more than 3 times of the basic system of DCS.

3.Operation interface

  • Safety interlocking monitoring interface for storage tank area
  • Temperature / pressure / liquid level alarm (interlocking) value setting interface for storage tank
  • Combustible and poisonous gas alarm (interlocking) monitoring interface

4.Performance table

①哈尔滨巨业化工有限公司 3万吨甲醛界区ESD系统 2010年
②哈尔滨同进科技有限公司 5万吨甲醛界区ESD系统 2013年
③牡丹江兰华化工有限公司 2万吨甲醛界区ESD系统 2011年
④延吉汪清天合化工有限公司 1万吨甲醛界区ESD系统 2011年
⑤荷泽泰和木业有限公司 5+3万吨甲醛界区2套ESD系统 2012年
⑥通化化工股份有限公司 12万吨合成氨界区4套ESD系统 2012年
⑦长春和禾生物化工有限公司 6000吨多元醇加氢裂解界区ESD系统 2013年
⑧印度AC公司 3.6万吨甲醛界区ESD系统 2014年
⑨印度WS公司 3.6万吨甲醛界区ESD系统 2014年
⑩印度AK公司 2万吨甲醛界区ESD系统 2015年
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